前から政府機関筋から「贋物だろう」といわれてきたが、誰も信じなかった。 だんだん騒ぎは大きくなってきている。 前々からそのうち贋物ということが正式発表されてもみ消されるだろう、という風に言われてきたのだが、今回、まさにその予想通り、贋物だという正式な発表が米政府からあったらしい。
この事件については世界中の人が「怪しい」とにらんでおり、世界中からさまざまな憶測が飛び交っている。 世界中で怪しい怪しい、という話になっているのに、日本とアメリカだけは妙に静かだ。 日本とアメリカだけに報道規制がひかれていることが、はっきり眼で見て観察できる。
僕はたぶん今年で「戦後が終わる」んじゃないか、という気がする。 冷戦とか日米同盟とかにたくさんのうそが隠しこまれてきたんじゃないかと思う。 みんな怪しい怪しいと言っていたが、怪しいという者たちは「陰謀大好き」とかいうようないわれかたをして変人扱いされてしまう。 また多くの人は、この件に関して、実際とても感情的で、論理的な飛躍が激しかったため、まともに相手にされなかった。
アジアの国々では、日本の侵略戦争が云々 ... 反日感情が強いが、日本を追い出した挙句内戦になり国を二つに引き裂かれたことに関してはどう考えているんだろう。 30万人殺した日本人を追い出した挙句、共産化されて100万人以上殺された事に関してはどう思っているんだろう。 反日感情を新しい侵略者の都合のいいように操られていやしないだろうか。 極悪の日本を追い出した結果、アジアのほとんどすべての国が西洋の列強にちゃっかりのっとられているという現状をどう思うのだろう。
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UPDATE 1-U.S. Treasury says bonds seized in Italy are fakes
(Updates with details on bonds, U.S. Secret Service comment)
By David Lawder
WASHINGTON, June 19 (Reuters) - A purported $134 billion in U.S. government bearer bond certificates seized by police near the Italian-Swiss border are fake, the U.S. Treasury said on Friday.
"Based on the photograph we've seen online, they are clearly fake. And not even good fakes," said Stephen Meyerhardt, a spokesman for the Treasury's Bureau of the Public Debt.
He added that there is only $105 million in Treasury bearer bond securities outstanding, so the $134 billion amount seized far exceeds the universe of outstanding securites.
The Treasury's determination confirmed the suspicions of Italy's Guardia di Finanza, or tax police, who seized the bond documents in early June from two Japanese nationals at the Chiasso rail station in northern Italy, close to the border with Switzerland.
The bonds comprised 249 "Federal Reserve" bonds of $500 million nominal value each and 10 "Bond Kennedy" with a $1 billion nominal value, the tax police said June 4 in a statement.
A senior tax police officer said Italian authorities also were checking whether the two travelers' Japanese documents are genuine.
In the last two years, Italian authorities have seized some $800 million of U.S. bonds in the Como area in northern Italy.
Meyerhardt said U.S. government investigators believe that the seized bond forgeries were made using commercial photo enhancement software to alter the image of a $100 bill to increase the amount into millions or billions and add what appear to be interest coupons.
Another U.S. official said the seized bonds were purported to be issued during the Kennedy administration in the early 1960s, but the certificates showed a picture of a space shuttle on it -- a spacecraft that first flew in 1981. Some of the bonds were purportedly issued in a $500 billion denomination that never existed.
The official, who spoke on background because he was not authorized to discuss specifics of the case, said that scam artists, rather than trying to exchange fake bearer bonds directly for cash, will sometimes try to use them as fraudulent collateral for loans.
The Treasury frequently uncovers scams involving bearer and other securities issued in the 1930s and 1940s. Images of some of these counterfeit bonds appear on a Treasury website aimed at combating fraud, here .
The U.S. Secret Service, which polices counterfeiting of U.S. currency, is assisting Italian authorities in tracing the source of the fake bonds, said Ed Donovan, a spokesman for the agency.
The forgery determination came a day after the Treasury warned U.S. banks against the potential for increased currency counterfeiting activity and large cash transactions by North Korea in an effort to evade U.N. sanctions aimed at cutting off financing for Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and missile programs. (Editing by Dan Grebler)
(2009年6月20日10時28分 読売新聞)
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(2009年6月19日20時04分 読売新聞)
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Mystery surrounding 134.5 “fake” billion US dollars seized in Ponte Chiasso remains
Mystery surrounding 134.5 “fake” billion US dollars seized in Ponte Chiasso remains
After two weeks a US Treasury official says securities were fakes. Italy’s financial police is silent. The case is still baffling and full of discrepancies.
Milan (AsiaNews) – US government bonds seized by Italy’s financial police (Guardia di Finanza) at Ponte Chiasso, an the Italian town on the border with Switzerland, are “clearly fakes,” Stephen Meyerhardt, spokesman for the US Bureau of the Public Debt, is quoted as saying in a news report by the Bloomberg agency. AsiaNews contacted the divisional headquarters of Italy’s financial police in Como, which is responsible for Ponte Chiasso, asking for an explanation but none has come forth yet.
For some days the affair has been in the limelight [1]. Importantly, at the time of the bonds were seized it was not possible to determine whether the US government bonds and US Federal Reserve certificates were real of fakes.
Right after the seizure Colonel Mecarelli, Guardia di Finanza commander in Como, said that for at least some of the securities, especially the ‘Kennedy Bonds’, there were doubts about their authenticity. As for the others, some were so well made that it was hard to tell them apart from real ones.
The seizure was carried out two weeks ago. The bonds were in the possession of two Oriental-looking individuals in their fifties with Japanese passports. The two men, were travelling from Milan to Chiasso, in Switzerland, on a local train used primarily by Italian workers commuting to-and-fro Switzerland for work.
At the customs office both men said they had nothing to declare but a check by financial police agents revealed a false bottom in their respective suitcases, each containing a fortune in US securities.
Also inside the agents found extensive and detailed original bank documents about the bonds.
If the latter were real the two Asian men had in their possession (although not necessarily in their ownership) a big chunk of the US debt which would have made them the fourth largest creditors of the United Sates.
Despite what US Treasury spokesman Meyerhardt said, and until more information is forthcoming from Italy’s financial police in Como for AsiaNews the mystery is still there.
Under Italian law when law enforcement agencies seize fake bonds or counterfeit money they are under the obligation to arrest the bearers. And in order to avoid misappropriation, the agency seizing the material, in this case the financial police, must quickly proceed to its destruction (i.e. incineration).
However, in case of real securities, after the securities holders are identified, the financial police must release them immediately after issuing a statement of confiscation and imposing a fine valued in this case at € 38 billion (US$ 53.4 billion). In this case, why were the two men released right away without any fine imposed?
That is not the only discrepancy. It is not clear how statements by US Treasury spokesman Meyerhardt and Italian financial police can be reconciled. For the former the bonds “are clearly fakes”; for the latter, speaking at the start of this whole affair, some bonds were indistinguishable from the real ones when it comes to quality and detail.
Italy’s Guardia di Finanza has a reputation for being a highly specialised and expert financial police agency. How could it be so easily duped! And if the bonds are “clearly fakes” why did it take US authorities two weeks to find out.
Another discrepancy is the fact that, along with the securities, original and recent bank documents were seized as proof of their authenticity.
If what Meyerhardt says is true, some major financial institutions have been deceived by the securities carried by the two Asian men. This would be a bombshell and raise serious questions as to how many bank assets are actually made up of securities that for Meyerhardt are “clearly fakes.”
If counterfeit securities of such high quality are in circulation the world’s monetary system, let alone that of the United States, is in danger. International trade and exchanges could come to a halt.
Whether it is counterfeit money or money laundering, what happened is potentially more dangerous for the stability of the international system than the results of Iran’s elections.
If the bonds are real it means someone with a lot of cash no longer trusts the US dollar as a reserve currency. If this is the case then it would spell the end of the Bretton Woods system and most likely negatively impact world trade.
Unfortunately the international press and main TV networks, with some exceptions, have ignored the whole affair. These days this is actually the real news.
[1] See “US government securities seized from Japanese nationals, not clear whether real or fake,” AsiaNews, 8 June 2009, and “Seizure of US government bonds from two Japanese men in Italy raises questions,” AsiaNews, 8 June 2009.
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ジャコビ 2009年06月20日 21:46
おかあつ 2009年06月20日 21:48
「贋物でした、よかったよかった ... 」 「...じゃねぇだろ!」っていうツッコミが成立します。
「贋物でした、よかったよかった ... 」 「...じゃねぇだろ!」っていうツッコミが成立します。
よ しの 2009年06月22日 12:47