セミコロンの使い方 WIKIHOW
- 関連の深い2つの文をつなげる。往々にしてセミコロンは原因と結果を結びつける。
例1『ワンダは眠れなかった。』+『ワンダは悩みが多すぎた。』 → 『ワンダは眠れなかった;ワンダは悩みが多すぎた。』
例2『昨日酒を沢山飲んだ』+『今日は二日酔いだ。』→『昨日酒を沢山飲んだ;今日は二日酔いだ。』- 大コンマとして使う。例『太郎,18歳;三郎,24歳;金次郎,15歳の三人で出かける。』
The use of the original term is also advisable for this reason, that a teaching so circumscribed and unique, engendering a cast of mind and character so peculiar, so local, must wear the badge of its singularity on its face; then, some words have a national timbre so expressive of race characteristics that the best of translators can do them but scant justice, not to say positive injustice and grievance.
- advisable ... adjective [not usually before noun] ~ (to do sth) sensible and a good idea in order to achieve sth: Early booking is advisable. (OALD) adj : worthy of being recommended or suggested; prudent or wise; "such action is neither necessary nor advisable" (WN)
- circumscribed ... adj 1: subject to limits or subjected to limits [syn: {limited}] || 2: showing or determining a boundary; "it is impossible to specify a clearly circumscribed (or delimited) area for any particular science" [syn: {delimited}] (WN)
- engender ... engender verb [VN] (formal) to make a feeling or situation exist:The issue engendered controversy. (OALD)
- must ... adjective : highly recommended; "a book that is must reading" (WN) ※ 助動詞だけでなく形容詞としても利用可能
- cast of mind ... 4[sing.] (BrE, formal) the way that a person or thing is or appears:He has an unusual cast of mind. (OALD)
- singularity ... [U] (formal) the quality of sth that makes it unusual or strange
- timbre ... (formal) the quality of sound that is produced by a particular voice or musical instrument: the deep timbre of his voice
- scant ... v 1: work hastily or carelessly; deal with inadequately and superficially
- grievance ... ~ (against sb) something that you think is unfair and that you complain or protest about: Parents were invited to air their grievances (= express them) at the meeting.
文は セミコロンを以って、2つに分割されると考えられる。
The use of the original term is also advisable for this reason, that a teaching so circumscribed and unique, engendering a cast of mind and character so peculiar, so local, must wear the badge of its singularity on its face; ...1
then, some words have a national timbre so expressive of race characteristics that the best of translators can do them but scant justice, not to say positive injustice and grievance. ...2
~ is ~ that ~ という形式を取っているが、ネット上を検索してみたところによると、現在これが英語話者の間で英語の構文として認められている様子はなかった。(というかひょっとしたらそもそも構文という概念自体が英語話者の認識にないのかも知れないが。) ここでは、恐らく AがBなのは何故ならC という意味で利用されていると考えられる。
The use of the original term← A
is ←が
also advisable for this reason, ← B
that ←なのは何故なら
以下、理由を列挙 ← C
1. a teaching so circumscribed and unique,
2. engendering a cast of mind and character so peculiar,
3. so local,
4. must wear the badge of its singularity on its face
- まずこれが so ~ that ~ (とても 〜 だから 〜 )の構文に則っている事を確認する。
then, some words have a national timbre so expressive of race characteristics
that the best of translators can do them but scant justice, not to say positive injustice and grievance.
- that 以下は "~ can do them but ~" で 「~ ですらも ~ しか出来無い」という構文に則っている事を確認する。
- not to say は「言わずもがな」という意味。ここでは not to say が無くても全体の意味は変化しない。