
【碑文】武士道(英語版)新渡戸 稲造 (oka01-mktifpvtgliljwir-bsd05)

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Bushido, the Soul of Japan, by Inazo Nitobe, [1905], at sacred-texts.com

--- "That way
Over the mountain, which who stands upon
Is apt to doubt if it be indeed a road;
While if he views it from the waste itself,
Up goes the line there, plain from base to brow,
Not vague, mistakable! What's a break or two
Seen from the unbroken deserts either side?
And then (to bring in fresh philosophy)
What if the breaks themselves should prove at last
The most consummate of contrivances
To train a man's eye, teach him what is faith?"

Bishop Blougram's Apology.

"There are, if I may so say, three powerful spirits, which have, from time to time, moved on the face of the waters, and given a predominant impulse to the moral sentiments and energies of mankind. These are the spirits of liberty, of religion, and of honor."

Europe in the Middle Ages.

"Chivalry is itself the poetry of life."
Philosophy of History.

- ROBERT BROWNING ...ロバートブラウニングは、19世紀イギリスの詩人。(wiki)
- 『男と女』... ロバートブラウニングによる 全2巻・51編の詩からなる詩集(wiki)。上記 Bishop Blougram's Apology は、この本からの引用。 (ebook)

- apt to be ~ /apt to do ~ ... likely or having a natural tendency to do sth. (OALD)
- waste ... an uninhabited wilderness that is worthless for cultivation. (WN)
- brow ... [usually sing.] the top part of a hill. (OALD)
- consummate ... (AME 'consummate BRE con'summate) extremely skilled; perfect (OALD)
- con'trivance ... [C] a clever or complicated device or tool made for a particular purpose./ [C, U] a clever plan or trick; the act of using a clever plan or trick. (OALD)

-  ハラム Hallam ... ヘンリーハラム(Henry Hallam)は、英国の歴史学者 (wiki)代表作 The View of the State of Europe during the Middle Ages, は1818年に出版された。ebook /poem hunter

- pre'dominant ... most frequent or common prevailing winds; / having superior power and influence / =prevailing
- impulse ... an instinctive motive / a sudden desire

- Schlegel ... シュレーゲル Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel wiki 18世紀ドイツの詩人・学者・思想家。 Philosophy of History は、彼の講演を後に本として出版したものらしい。 ebook  (ここで本の実物が見られる。 archive.org )

- 'chivalry ... 1) polite and kind behaviour that shows a sense of honour, especially by men towards women 2) (in the Middle Ages) the religious and moral system of behaviour which the perfect knight was expected to follow (OALD)


Next: Chapter I: Bushido As an Ethical System


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