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タイ東北弁 イサーン語研究会




I have updated my own website.


I added some new contents about cryptography that I have been writing over the past few months. Recently I have written a cryptographic library by JavaScript. Writing programs is not difficult for me. Though programs without documents are really worthless because nobody knows how to use them. So it is very important to write documents whenever you write new programs. But I am not a native speaker of English. Writing in English is one of terribly exhausting things for me.

You might think that why don't I write in Japanese. Rarely are such technical documents read if it is written in Japanese. Japanese people tend to be not interested in new ideas unless they have already accepted to the public or already earning good money. With many other reasons, it is very important to write documents in English especially you are writing about computer things.

In fact I wanted to update it yesterday. But there was an accident yesterday so I couldn't. The accident was a big argument with a keeper of this condominium. I live in a condominium in Bangkok. I am renting for this condominium. And I have to pay for living fees to the keeper. But one of the stuff works incorrectly. So I happened to skip a payment while I do not know. And the internet service was interrupted unexpectedly. The connection was soon recovered but I went out to a Starbucks so I did not work.

There are still a lot of tasks, issues in my website. There are still many things to be written. And somehow I am a really slow writer. I will try to get accustomed to write in English and hoping if I can speed up to write.

I really have many ideas about computing. But I learned that it is worthless if it is not actually written to a paper and published.

I like this article.

It does not matter if I can do it or not. Just keeping trying does matter.

Kohlrak   2009年01月25日 14:59
Microsoft writing documentation on writing documentation is rather Ironic. Their documentation is notoriously vague and inconsistent, let alone the difficulty of searching through it. I like how they suggest you research last... It seems to be a gold standard for them. I have a report to do soon, so ironically MS might actually help me out for once, as some of their advice might actually work after you throw out some of the really horrible ideas. Maybe then I'll be able to figure out what to right about here.
おかあつ   2009年01月25日 16:50
I think Microsoft is a very big company and their abilities depends on which section they are working at.

In my opinion, documentation which you can see in the Windows Platform SDK is quite good. precise and clear. I especially like documentation of WIN32 API document and DirectX. They are really clever, I think.

BUT I really don't agree with others. I mean Microsoft SQL Server , Microsoft Web Server and VB (before version6) etc... their documents are really bad. They are really obscure and missing the point. When I was working with them, I really hope that I can cut their lips and tongue out from their head. :)

I am not sure since I have not worked around with IE. But I feel like the documentation of IE is something like very obscure...

Kohlrak   2009年01月26日 09:43
>>In my opinion, documentation which you can see in the Windows Platform SDK is quite good. precise and clear. I especially like documentation of WIN32 API document and DirectX. They are really clever, I think.

I've always found DirectX to be a pain to work with. I wanted to research one thing, and i ended up doing a full circle clicking links to find more information about something i didn't understand. However, that was a few years ago. Perhaps they've finally done something about that.

>>BUT I really don't agree with others. I mean Microsoft SQL Server , Microsoft Web Server and VB (before version6) etc... their documents are really bad. They are really obscure and missing the point. When I was working with them, I really hope that I can cut their lips and tongue out from their head. :)

VB is nice for kiddy stuff, but personally i'd prefer programmers work with something a little more cross platform. Perhaps that's why VB and C# are so unpopular these days in open source software. As for servers, MS is notorious for bad security, so perhaps the lack of proper documentation is to help hide the security issues.

>>I am not sure since I have not worked around with IE. But I feel like the documentation of IE is something like very obscure...

IE is the reason Javascript is so un-standard. Microsoft felt they should write the standards instead of conforming to them. That's why javascript is condemned so much as a headache.
出展 2009年01月25日05:23 『ウェブサイトを更新した。』


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